With a wet winter season at the Absolute Angus’s West Gippsland property, the stud will take advantage of an extra month of spring weather and conduct its 3rd annual spring sale on October 15.
Stud principal Anthony Pisa said the sale bulls are looking great even with the wetter than usual winter and the extra few weeks meant the bulls will present at their best on sale day.
The diversity of sires and maternal genetics used in the breeding of bulls on offer, Mr Pisa is confident that demand will be strong. “Since the autumn sale in April, I have had a lot of enquiry from breeders who are liking my genetics” Mr Pisa said.
The positive feedback and word-of-mouth referral from clients happy with the versatility of Absolute Angus bulls gives any breeder confidence to be able to use any of the spring sale bulls over any type of herd and location as they adapt well to all terrains and get results says Mr Pisa.
Showcasing the ongoing success of Absolute Angus’s breeding program, the spring sale will feature about 50, yearling and 24-month-old bulls by using genetics from some of the best sires in the industry including Baldridge Command, Gdar Regulator, Landfall Keystone K132 and the stud’s own sire, Absolute M110 whose dam is a Lawsons Bartel Cow and his sire, Landfall Westward J169.
Absolute Angus continues to use genetics from a range of industry leading studs known for genetic performance such as Landfall, Te Mania, Ardrossan and selected elite US studs.
“All the investment over the past years to develop the genetic depth of our stud herds, both female and bulls, is paying off with the progeny of prior bulls sold performing well for my clients,” said Mr Pisa.
“Clients who purchase my bulls are looking for a genetic style and type of genetics we have used in the studs’ foundation herds, we are now seeing proof of that investment. When the bulls leave the stud their development takes-off; just amazing, beautiful animals”.
“The bulls on offer are also genetically well put together,” Mr Pisa said. “There is something to suit everyone, with bulls across the sale having the right attributes that farmers and commercial breeders are looking for.”
Buyers will find a range of well-muscled, powerful sons from Ardrossan Honour, Ardrossan Edmund K1651 and Baldridge Command in the senior bulls and the yearling bulls sire groups feature progeny from Landfall Keystone K132, Ardrossan Honour, Gdar Regulator, and Ardrossan Equator A241.
The majority of bulls showcased in the auction catalogue are suitable for heifer joining, presenting with low BWT, high growth, good carcase, EMA, IMF and fat cover in their EBV’s.
The sale also meets strong market demand for bulls. “Commercial buyers are looking for strong growth, low birth-weight bulls and meat quality with a focus on traits and how they adapt to being grass fed and grain fed,” Mr Pisa said.
“It’s an exciting time to showcase the bulls in such a positive way.” said Mr Pisa, and “we look forward to seeing you on sale day”.
Absolute Angus Spring Bull Sale – Friday 15th October 2021 – On-Property in Trafalgar South & Online via AuctionsPlus. Visit absoluteangus.com.au or our Facebook Page for the latest sale updates